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About English Page

Welcome to my web Site !

This web site is mainly introduction of my Volkswagen Mk2 Golf (Golf2)
including the maintenance, modifications, pictures and more !

I'll explain the English pages of this web site.

Regarding all pages, you can visit from top page.

There is possibility that you cannot understand my comments !

But if possible, please visit this website regularly.

Anyway, I love Volkswagen A2 Golf !! I hope that you enjoy this web site.

(Please also visit and sign guestbook. or send some messages by email.)

-Please understand the followings.-
There may be inaccuracies and errors, that may of course be damaging to you and your car.
Please proceed with caution if you refer to this web site and do the work. And I do not take any responsibility for that.

My Volkswagen Mk2 Golf

My Volkswagen Mk2 Golf