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VW GOLF MK2 Maintenance
Replacement - Distributor Rotor / Cap dated Jan. 7, 2016.

I replaced Distributor Rotor and Cap.


VW GOLF MK2 Distributor Rotor and Cap

VW GOLF MK2 Distributor Rotor and Cap

VW GOLF MK2 Distributor Rotor and Cap

VW GOLF MK2 Distributor Rotor and Cap

VW GOLF MK2 Distributor Rotor and Cap

VW GOLF MK2 Distributor Rotor and Cap

VW GOLF MK2 Distributor Rotor and Cap

VW GOLF MK2 Distributor Rotor and Cap

VW GOLF MK2 Distributor Rotor and Cap

VW GOLF MK2 Distributor Rotor and Cap


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